3 New Breeding Incentives Offered For Equi-Stat Elite $20 Million Sire Metallic Cat
The owners of Metallic Cat have announced three new breeding incentives for owners of offspring by Equi-Stat Elite $20 Million Sire Metallic Cat.
Rocking P Ranch, which bought the stallion last year, on Friday announced the new incentives to celebrate the success from the son of High Brow Cat out of Chers Shadow (by Peptosboonsmal), who recently crossed the $20 million mark as a sire.
The incentives are:
* For the 2019 breeding season, Metallic Cat’s stud fee is $10,000. However, as a thank you to those who bred their mares to Metallic Cat in 2018, a repeat booking in 2019 will be discounted $5,000. All paid contracts will guarantee eligibility for the 2019 incentives.
* All Rocking P Ranch LLC horses sold at Western Bloodstock sales, starting with the Mid-Year Cutting Sale at the National Cutting Horse Association (NCHA) Summer Spectacular, go complete with a breeding to Metallic Cat. This breeding also guarantees eligibility for the 2019 incentives.
* The 2019 Metallic Cat Summer Spectacular Incentive pays $300,000 – guaranteed. How does this work? The Derby at the event pays two places in the Open, Non-Pro, and Unlimited Amateur divisions (Open – first, $100,000; and second, $40,000) (Non-Pro, first, $20,000; and second, $10,000) (Unlimited Amateur, first, $15,000; and second, $5,000). The Classic Challenge also pays two places in the Open, Non-Pro, and Unlimited Amateur divisions (Open – first, $40,000; and second, $20,000) (Non-Pro, first, $20,000; and second, $10,000) (Unlimited Amateur, first, $15,000; and second, $5,000).
“It’s our way of thanking the industry and building excitement for the future,” Rocking P Ranch owner Bobby Patton said in a statement. “Without all the support from so many people who believed in Metallic Cat, this would not have been possible. Now, it’s our turn to make sure there are major-league incentives for the Metallic Cat foals on the ground and the ones yet to arrive.”

As a cutting horse, Metallic Cat won the 2008 NCHA Futurity Open Championship and went on to bank $637,711 during his career. He was named 2009 NCHA Open Horse of the Year and was inducted into the NCHA Hall of Fame in 2010. In 2016 and 2017, Metallic Cat was NCHA Sire of the Year, thanks to foals that earned $10 million in just those two seasons. Also, for the National Reined Cow Horse Association he was Sire of the Year in 2016 and 2017.
His top five earners in Equi-Stat are: 2018 NCHA Open Horse of the Year Metallic Rebel ($437,965, out of Sweet Abra, by Abrakadabracre), two-time American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA) Junior Cutting World Champion and limited-age event champion Meteles Cat ($437,016, out of Teles Lies, by Lenas Telesis), NCHA Futurity Open Champion Stevie Rey Von ($397,158, out of Miss Ella Rey, by Dual Rey), NCHA Non-Pro Horse of the Year Purple Reyn ($361,880, out of Miss Ella Rey, by Dual Rey) and NCHA Super Stakes Open Champion Hashtags ($327,883, out of Dual Rey Tag, by Dual Rey).
Metallic Cat has 720 earners that hold 2,350 event championships and 1,852 reserve championships in 14 disciplines, ranging from cutting to roping and even barrel racing, Rocking P said.
And, officials at the Fort Worth ranch expect there will be 220 Metallic Cat foals showing across multiple divisions at the 2018 NCHA Summer Spectacular. Currently, with five foal crops old enough to show, his offspring roster includes 62 horses with $90,000 in lifetime earnings, 48 horses with more than $100,000 in on their records, and six offspring that have posted $200,000 and better.
“It’s amazing, what Metallic Cat has accomplished,” Patton said. “We’re grateful to the mare owners who believe in the stallion, and we appreciate all the trainers and riders who continue to invest time and effort into his offspring. On our side, we’re committed to the future of Metallic Cat and the continuation of his legacy.”
More details about the incentives are available at www.m4by5hxkoi-staging.onrocket.site.