The 2020 Quarter Horse News Equi-Stat Top 250 Sires Stats ranks the top sires over the last five years.
This article includes the entire 2020 Top 250 Sires Stats as they appeared in Quarter Horse News magazine. Stallions are ranked by their total earnings in reining, cutting and reined cow horse events.
Sire/# Money-Earners/Avg. $/Total $/Discipline/Discipline # Money-Earners/Discipline Avg. $/Discipline Total $/Top Performers, $
(Includes all cutting, reining and reined cow horse offspring earnings from Jan. 1, 2014, through Aug. 31, 2019, excluding closed incentives.)
1. METALLIC CAT 1164 $24,889 $28,971,142
Cutting 971 $27,156 $26,368,820; Hashtags, $485,293; Meteles Cat, $422,498; Stevie Rey Von, $420,559
Reining 4 $607 $2,427; Metallic Duck (AS), $2,093; Sweet Stylish Cat, $230; Metallic Pearl, $94
Reined Cow Horse 189 $13,756 $2,599,896; Call Me Mitch, $184,818; Cats Picasso, $155,101; Metallic Train, $139,752
Quarter Horse News
written by QHN Staff
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